Tips For Changing Over Your Website to an Https

by | Feb 15, 2016 | Automotive

For most business owners, finding a way to offer their customers a secured and functional website experience is important. A car dealership owner will usually receive a lot of sensitive information on their website, especially if they provide financing approval online. Getting a website switched from an http to an https will help to provide the security needed when handling this type of information. When making this switch, you will have to make sure that all of the elements are in place to avoid any issues that may arise. Here are a couple of things to consider when trying to make this switch.

Directing Your Old Site to the New One

Making sure that the old pages of your website get redirected to the new one is important. There are a number of web domain tools that will allow you to direct your http pages to the new https pages. If you are unsure about how to do this, then you will have to find a professional to give you some assistance. They will be able to ensure that this process is done the right way so there is not confusion when customers are trying to access the new site.

Be Sure to Check Your Links

One of the most common reasons why a website will be penalized by Google and other top search engines is due to broken links on their website. Going from an http to an https website can create a lot of dead links if you fail to redirect the pages properly. Taking the time to do this can eliminate the risk you have of falling in the search engine rankings.

Choosing iPitCrew to help with this process will help to ensure that the job is done the right way.

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